Outcome-focused, outcome-driven

Register for WSCAI’s December 9 Webinar “How Good Contracts Save Money,” in which Attorney Allison Peryea will be Sharing Tips on Construction Agreement Terms

On Behalf of | Dec 1, 2021 | Firm News

The December 9 webinar will address the following topics:

  1. Understanding goals and roles; establishing a community association’s goals for a specific project and roles of various professionals involved;
  2. Differences in soliciting professional service proposals and construction bids (including knowing who to solicit and how);
  3. Comparing professional proposals, vetting construction bids, and selecting service providers; and
  4. Contract negotiations.

Allison will be joined in the presentation by an association manager and construction project manager.

To register and for more information, use this link: https://wscai.org/how-good-contracts-save-money-webinar/